Playing Piano: A Journey To The World Of Music

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Ever since the age of three, the 88 black and white keys have traveled along me on an amazing journey throughout my high school career. From escaping reality to performing in front of thousands, the musical expressive tones have truly been a prominent avocation associated with my life. The fourteen year journey - something I found as just a hobby - allowed me to find what I am truly passionate about despite what others have to say. The wonderful learning experience piano has taken me over the years has taught me many valuable lessons. Starting at the age of three, my aunt had introduced me into the world of music by teaching me a classic tune; Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I fell in love with piano. My aunt had convinced me to start piano …show more content…

A wave of serenity washes over me as I twiddle my hands for a second, deciding where on the keys to start. As my fingertips meet the cool, smooth ivories, my worries vanish. All the cares of the day fade away with the first note; any problem can be resolved by resolving a chord. The world fades to the black and white of the keys in front of me. Playing piano is therapeutic for me because I can take a break from the stress of reality and express my feelings through the music I play. Suddenly, emotions that, in my head, are swirling and confusing can be released through my fingers into musical patterns. I can spend hours at a piano without realizing the passing of time. Lost in music has always been my favorite place to be, and the piano is my favorite place to get …show more content…

During those moments, the piano was a constant source of consolation and comfort. Music has been there for me at times when no one else has. To be able to spread that support and inspiration to others through my own playing is one of the reasons I love to play so much. Piano is an incredibly expressive instrument. It is easy to connect to others while playing, whether it’s through a dramatic, complicated piece that touches on people’s heartstrings or the simple chords of Top 40 tune that get everyone singing and dancing

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