Contagion Movie Essay

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The Pernicious Pandemic

What makes an apocalyptic science fiction thriller successful? Science fiction is a lasting genre filled with everything from aliens to zombies to time travel. People everywhere are constantly excited to see what the latest Sci Fi thriller is going to inquire about next. Science fiction can relate to just about any topic, but to be successful and exciting, there are a few key aspects that need to be included into the story. In the film Contagion, directed by Steven Soderbergh in 2011, there is an outbreak of the MEV-1 virus, and it becomes a horrendous pandemic within weeks. The outbreak begins with Beth Emhoff, who was traveling on business to Hong Kong. Within days she has spread the virus across the globe, and it …show more content…

When the viral pandemic emerges, the CDC and the World Health Organization work around the clock to figure out what is affecting the health around the world. Although there have been numerous small epidemics or even a pandemic, there has not been anything as severe as the MEV-1 outbreak in Contagion. So, the WHO and CDC’s actions throughout the film are based upon their actions during smaller outbreaks. Because of this, the movie essentially guesses what would happen to world and what steps governments would take if a pandemic outbreak occurred throughout the entire movie. For example, during the Ebola outbreak the WHO “immediately mobilized its collaborating laboratory in Lyon, France, together with West African laboratories, to prepare for the diagnosis of more cases” and set up isolation facilities (“Key Events in the WHO Response”). The writers of Contagion also extrapolated when they depicted parts of the world descending into anarchy before the vaccine is created. During war times citizens have looted and disregarded laws in masses. Kristallnacht, during World War II, was a night when Nazi supporters looted and murdered known Jews in Germany and Austria (“Kristallnacht: A Nationwide Pogrom”). Also, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, citizens of New Orleans formed gangs and started looting houses and stores. However, there have not been any significant acts of anarchy due to a disease outbreak in recent

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