The Perfect Slave: Survival Of The Working Class

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Growing up I would always notice how my mom would come home from a long exhausting day at work and still manage to have a smile on her face when she walked through the front door of our home. As I would await her arrival each day in expectance for her to cater to my every need, it never occurred to me of the hardships she would have to endure to make the life as me and my siblings knew to be sustainable. In actuality we were blessed because though we were on the verge of poverty, she made the necessary steps needed to be taken in the competitive world of the working class so that we may continue to survive. Now that I am of an appropriate age and have had a considerable amount of experience, I have become aware of the social injustices of the working class and its hidden techniques of “survival of the fittest” which in the end filters and separates the strong from the weak and creates what I like to call the “perfect slave”. Some may ask what the perfect slave is. Well to me it is someone who conforms themselves to achieve every task no matter how harsh the …show more content…

Those who are able to achieve this goal are then able to advance to the next level which is the supervisor who makes sure the tasks are completed as planned. It the supervisor is successful at managing their task with a seriousness and strictness then that individual is then able to advance to a higher position of a manager, also known by me as the “perfect slave”. Which is someone who can be perceived as the right hand of the owner and carry’s out each one of their demands and makes sure it is implemented into the work force, though there increase in pay is nowhere in relation to the profit they have brought to the

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