The Perfect Pederastic Relationship

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Pederasty is an ancient Greek custom of interaction in which individuals of the same sex would take part in the desires of an intellectual or sexual relationship as part of a socially established ancient custom (Hubbard 4-7). It was institutionalized as an educational practice by which the value of the aristocrats were transmitted from one generation to the next. In this paper, we are going to look at the benefits that aristocratic boys received from a pederastic relationship which lies in the characteristics of an ‘ideal’ pederastic relationship. In ancient Greece, the perfect pederastic relationship involved an erastes (mentor) and an eromenos (usually a young teenager) (Dover 16). Actually, this age difference between eromenos was very crucial to the structure of the ultimate pederastic relationship. In addition to that, the control dynamics indicate that in such relationships, the erastes was always in control, safeguarding the dignity of the erastes as an aristocrat in the Greek society. …show more content…

In point of fact, these practices of the Dorian Greeks illustrated the educational benefit of pederasty increasing pederastic relationship between older and younger war citizens. In this case, the pederastic relationship was a rite of passage by which a boy reached manhood and began his military service. As such, both the ‘mentor’ and the ‘boy lover’ in an ideal pederastic relationship would have accomplished a “wise and balanced” life, or taking no tolerance to excess (Dover

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