The Pearl Conflict Essay

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This conflict is the biggest conflict that happens throughout the story. This conflict’s beginning was when Kino found the Pearl of the World. Kino desperately needed a pearl to pay the doctor to treat his son Coyotito for a scorpion sting. As Kino found the pearl his wife Juana noticed that Coyotito’s shoulder was almost completely healed. It was then that Kino realized that God himself was watching over Kino’s family. News spread fast that Kino had found the Pearl of The World. Everyone that heard the news about the pearl started dreaming about it, scheming how to steal it, wondering if he would use the money to buy stuff from my shop, how much the pearl is worth. The Priest even thought about the pearl and wondered if he baptized their baby …show more content…

So the Doctor went down to the brush hut community to “check” on Coyotito and see if he needed medical assistance. He there tricked Kino and Juana into believing that the poison from the scorpion sting will attack inward. His evidence was that the Coyotito’s eye had a blue spot on it. The doctor put some white powder in Coyotito’s mouth and said he would be back in an hour. Well what the doctor put in Coyotito was some medicine that would make his stomach really hurt in exactly one hour. The doctor showed up one hour later and saved Coyotito making him look like the hero of the day. He then asked how they were going to pay for his treatment causing Juana to state that Kino had found a pearl and would pay the doctor as soon as they had sold the pearl. The doctor had saw Kino’s eye flash to the exact spot where the pearl was hidden as Juana said the word pearl. The Doctor offered “keep the pearl in a safe” to keep it safe from robbers. Kino decline and everyone went their separate ways. Late in night Kino heard a sound and saw that someone was digging in the exact spot where he had hidden the pearl. We can conclude that the doctor sent that person since he and Kino where the only ones who knew

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