The Patriot Movie Analysis

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The Patriot takes place in Charleston, South Carolina in the 1770’s. This movie focuses on a family and a militia during the Revolutionary War. The start of the movie introduces a family living on a farm. Benjamin, the father, goes to a meeting about the potential war with the British. His son, whom also went to the meeting, signs up to be in the war, after a vote in favor of the war. Next, we see Gabriel in the war, and his family at their residence. Gabriel comes back home to seek refuge from a nearby battle. His family cares for the soldiers wounded, on both sides of the battle. Soon, a Calvary of the British forces orders the death of all the American troops, and the burning of Benjamin’s house. The British take Gabriel to be hanged, and as they …show more content…

He and his sons kill all of the British troops, and save Gabriel. This was the start of the militia. Benjamin, known as the Ghost, collects men from all over the countryside, to start this militia. This militia fight throughout the film, defending their country. The Calvary heard of this, and ordered the family of Benjamin, and anyone that helped the militia, to be killed. The British attempted to kill the family; however, they escaped in time. The people that provided for the militia; consequently, were killed. One of the members that were killed was Gabriel’s wife. When he heard of her killing, he sought revenge. He took his soldiers to where the Calvary and his troops were stationed. He attacked the troops, and the battle transformed into a bloodbath. The Calvary tricks Gabriel, and kills him. Benjamin is consumed with guilt and sadness. He buries Gabriel, and finds new motivation in the American flag. He travels by horseback to a battle nearby. He discusses war strategies with the leaders, as they come up with a plan. The battle commences, and the Americans win the war because of Benjamin and his militia. After the winning of the war, the story flashes

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