The Path Of a Fallen Soldier

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In the battlefield, innocence is lost and men are transformed; yet all soldiers go through a three-step transformation that turns them into better soldiers, but worse men as well. In the novel “ All Quiet On The Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque, and in many war-time poems, a transformation among men is noticeable in which they lose innocence, become beasts and most importantly, they abandon all civilized sensibilities.

The moment a soldier leaves his everyday known life to go into the unknown world, he is exposed to the darkness and tragedies war has to offer. When this happens, loss of innocence is expected. The first example of this occurring is when Paul realizes how wonderful it would be to be a child again. “Am I crying? I put my hand to my eyes, it is fantastic; am I a child?” (4.43). In this quote it is evident that it is almost a treat for Paul to be crying because he is so deprived from feelings because it is the only way for him to survive. Paul also connects crying with being a child, which shows his connection between being innocent and youthful. In the Poem “Arms and The Boy” by Wilfred Owen the connection between being youthful and innocent is clear when a child is being introduced to weapons. When the narrator of the story says; “Let the boy try along this bayonet-blade. How cold steel is, and keen with hunger of bloods” he is hoping that this bayonet-blade will discard the innocence of the boy and replace it with a “hunger of blood”. This conscious of sorts in Wilfred Owens’s poem is convincing the boy who innocence isn’t needed as long as he has weapons, which will turn him into the man he needs to be and no longer a child. Once a soldier’s innocence is lost, he comes to notice he is less a m...

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...l for the dead, they are shooting without reason, which relates to the theme of the quote in Thomas Hardy’s “The Man He Killed”. “I shot him dead because… because he was my foe.” This is an example of a soldier simply shooting because he is told to, and he has lost all say for himself and is controlled by others. Civilized sensibilities make men reason with shooting a man, but without them, shooting a man is just another task that one is being told to complete.
Soldiers are following in the paths of their ancestors even in modern day war as they march into the lifestyle of insanity or death if they are one of the lucky few. In Erich Maria Remarque’s novel “All Quiet on the Western Front” and in multiple war time poems, the reality and horrors that many soldiers live on a regular day basis are developed through the paths that men go through in war year after year.

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