The Other Boleyn Girl Essay

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1. The Other Boleyn Girl film takes place in the 16th century. 2. The women did not have voices, they were not allowed to speak on their free will. Women had to go along with what their husbands did/said. 3. The main characters in the film are, Mary and Anne Boleyn, King Henry VIII, Thomas Boleyn, and The Duke of Norfolk. 4. Some historical events in the film were court. The court decides your punishments and then puts them to action. One of those being, the beheading death event that the community attends to watch someone die because they have committed a crime. 5. The movie is set inside and outside, majority of inside though. The weather depends on situations or events that are happening in the film. For example, when Mary was celebrating her after party for her wedding with friends, the sun was shinny bright and it was a beautiful day. And when Mary’s sister Anne was getting her punishment for treason by getting beheaded, outside was looking cold and dark. The sky was filled with grey clouds, and the ground was looking damp, like rain had just fallen. The king’s castle was a modern building or mansion. The forest was filled with a lot of spaced out tall and skinny trees. It seemed to be summer because of how the leaves on the branches were grown. It could have also been late spring because of the clothing the characters were wearing. The scenery looked like summer but they dressed as if it were spring, due to their long, …show more content…

a. female children usually left their hair out/down. Boys, had their hair cut short. Not a fresh cut to the point where you could almost see their scalp, but short where if they recently cut their hair because they had long hair before and wanted a change. Girls/women wore dresses Women had variety of hats, they wore gowns, dresses of different shades of colors and fabrics. Men regardless of the ranking wore male dresses, which included leggings, tunic and cloak. Hats were commonly worn. Their shoes were made of

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