The Old Man Is The Tell Tale Heart Insane

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The eerie story “Tell-Tale Heart” was written by Edgar Allen Poe. Poe wrote lots of scary, mysterious stories in his lifetime. In the story, the main character despised the old man’s eyes, because of that he killed the old man. The main character in the “Tell Tale Heart” is insane. The man in the story is deranged, he is deranged because he hears things. He said that he hears things in heaven and hell and a normal person cannot do this. Before he killed the old man, he could hear the old man’s heartbeat. After the old man’s death, he heard a ringing in his own ears, but then noticed it was his own heartbeat. He heard his own heartbeat because the guilt of slaughtering the old man got to him, then showed the police the body. In addition to hearing things, the main character stalked the old man. The man watched him for a whole week, every day at midnight when he was asleep, prior to killing him. The main character was very cautious when watching the old man. It took him an hour just to put his head in the door, then he just watched him for hours. …show more content…

He killed the old man by suffocating him with a mattress, cutting off his arms and legs in a tub so all the blood would be gone, then hiding the old man’s body parts under the floor. After exterminating the old man he smiled gaily about how well it went. He was so confident about the disposing of the body, when the police came he let the police look around a actually sat on the floorboards where the body was at. The narrator was ecstatic after the old man was dead, he thought he got away with killing the man, the narrator said, “his eye would trouble me no

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