The Old Lady Killer Research Paper

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A serial killer is defined to be somebody who has murder three or more people in the time span of one month, typically due to psychological abnormalities. After capturing a serial killer, the first question is usually, “Why?” There are many different reasons that a person may do this, that may be logical to them but not to everyone else. Most serial killers have one thing in common: they have mental disorders or psychological issues derived from a bad past. This may not be the case for all of them, but most serial killers have been proven to have at least one of these. One specific serial killer is Juana Barraza. Barraza was a Mexican wrestler who went by the name La Dama del Silencio, or the Silent Lady. However, she eventually earned a new name; The Old Lady Killer. Juana Barraza’s story starts off in her not-so-great childhood. Her mother was an alcoholic who traded Juana to a man for three beers. This man repeatedly abused and raped the future Old Lady Killer, who ended up having four children, at least being fathered by her rapist. Juana Barraza was believed to have murdered any from 24-49 women. As her name suggests, Juana only murdered older woman, at least 60 years of age. Typically, these women lived alone. The killer would pose as a social worker and gain the old lady’s …show more content…

Whether their reasoning is lingering resentment and aggression towards a family member, being a psychopath, or having any other issues, almost all serial killers have deeper psychological issues, leading them to the monsters that they ended up becoming. Of course, there are many other reasons other than these, however these reasons are some that occur most frequently when researching the motives and thoughts of serial killers, or any murderer in

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