The Odyssey: The True Value Of My Family

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I cannot imagine living my life without my family by my side. Family is very important and valuable to me and is something that should never be taken for granted. Without my family, a large part of my life missing.Whether it's my parents, my brother, or cousins, I know I can always count on someone to help me feel better. In fact, I think that this is probably the most important thing that my family has taught me; a family is made up of people who you can trust and who you can count on. We all know that family should be cherished but, unfortunately, it wasn’t till I lost my grandpa to lung cancer for me to recognize the true value of a family. Being a bratty teenager the day before he died we were all supposed to go to my grandmas house …show more content…

I gave up the last opportunity I had to see him, I never got a chance to tell him how much I appreciator everything he has done for me. My grandpa was the one who was always there for me since I was a baby. The one who I could always count on, and one day the universe took him away for me. While reading “The odyssey,” I was able to connect to the character who were hoping to have a second chance with Odysseus. Penelope, was one of the characters who remained loyal and faithful to Odysseus. She never betrayed him even when she was confronted with suitors she never gave in. This is a true quality of a family, they’re people who can be trusted and reliable. However, its important to acknowledge that to be a family one doesn't need to be related. Family can be anyone who has a truly supports you and wants the best for you. In “The Odyssey,” Eurycleia can also be considered family. Throughout the years Eurycleia proves that she can be trusted, she also shows that she is loyal and is hopeful for their well being. She shows her loyalty by keeping Odysseus secret. In addition she displays her loyalty though a conversation she has with Penelope, she says; “cheater

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