The Occurence of Evolution

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The Occurence of Evolution Evolution is defined as genetically based change from generation to

generation. IF and ONLY if you look exactly the same as both your

parents and they look exactly the same as your grandparents and so on

back to the beginning of life (however you define that beginning) can

you say that evolution has not occurred.

Since I assume you are an organism born on this planet, and that you

are a human being, rather than some clonal organism (one that

reproduces by budding or similar method), I assume you do not look

exactly like both your parents and that they do not look exactly like

their parents, and that the differences are, at least in part,

genetically based. Therefore, within your own family, evolution has

occurred. You have seen evolution. Evolution is a fact, not a theory.

How long evolution has occurred, under what circumstances, and what

drives it are theories. Evolution is not the theory, HOW life has been

shaped by evolution is the theory. When a scientist says "the theory

of evolution", it's not the "theory that evolution occurred," it's the

"theory of how evolution occurred" that's being spoken of.

Even so, a scientific theory is a bit different than "I think the moon

is made of green cheese." A scientific theory must be 1) falsifiable

and 2) not disproved after some investigation.

Falsifiability means that you can disprove it without resorting to

supernatural phenomenon. Show me a way to disprove that some god (any

god) created the world, that could be done through natural

investigation, and I'll say it meets one of the criteria.

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