The Oak Island Money Pit

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The Discovery
The Oak Island Money Pit was discovered the summer of 1795 by Daniel McGinnis. He was drawn into the island by strange lights visible from his house. Upon his investigation, he comes across a block and tackle hung directly over a circular indentation on the island’s floor. Daniel, along with two of his friends John Smith and Anthony Vaughan started to dig out the bizarre pit. Their curiosity is due to that time period being the pinnacle of the “Golden Age of Piracy (Maritime Museum of the Atlantic).” In hopes of finding treasure, Daniel and his friends were the first of a long list of people to take-up the Oak Island Money Pit. After two attempts, their fascination grew stronger as they discover layers of man-made obstacles, giving them assurance that there is buried treasure. Unfortunately, the boys dug down 35 feet before defeat set in and they abandoned their excavation.

Trial and Error
John Smith, the eldest of the three teenagers, came back to the Money Pit shortly afterwards to continue what they had left behind. Having some experience in the task, he knew of the...

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