The Notorious Benedict Arnold Summary

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The 307 pages of The Notorious Benedict Arnold by Steve Sheinkin are filled with non-stop action and adventure. The book tells the stories of Benedict Arnold and John Andre. The story started with Arnold’s family history and what Arnold did before joining the military. In the years leading up to Benedict joining the military he had a successful business, he married and had three boys. The story progresses on to tell the details of Arnold’s military life. Just after he conquered Fort Ti, he had to leave for home because his wife passed away. Sheinkin now introduces John Andre. The rest of the story changes between the story of Arnold and Andre. Once Andre enters the story he stays until his death is explained, the same is for Arnold. The Notorious Benedict Arnold is classified as non-fiction historical genre. The story of Benedict Arnold, especially, is full of adventure and suspense. For those who have previous knowledge of Arnold’s story may not have felt the suspense as much as one who has no knowledge of his military career. Steve Sheikin tells of the heroism of both Benedict and Andre. Even though Andre was entirely for the British, he risked his life for his country. The story of Benedict Arnold is often associated with treason, this book is no different. …show more content…

Just like all good stories, Sheikin chose to use imagery in many of his chapters. He does not describe in full detail every area the story takes place but gives enough to begin to picture the story. The author not only gives a visual picture but an auditory one as well. Steve chose to not tell the solely the story of Benedict Arnold, even though that is the title, but he told the story of John Andre as well. Andre became a foil character to Arnold. Andre was just joining the military to join whereas Arnold had a reason. Andre stayed true to his country until death; Arnold was a

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