The Negative Impact of Bullying on the School Setting and Student´s Ability to Learn

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Bullying is a widespread problem in schools that has a negative impact on the school setting and students’ ability to learn. The school climate is meant to be a safe and secure learning place for students of any age to receive their education. Bullying causes fear and discomfort in students, and this affects their learning, relationships, and self-esteem. To some adults, bullying is dismissed as a normal playtime activity, a way for a child to build character, or even as a milestone during childhood. However, bullying is harmful to the victims and bullies in several different areas, including their self-efficacy, self-esteem, academics, and emotions. These effects can be devastating and long-lasting.

Understanding Bullying
Bullying is when a person purposefully harms another out of superiority. There are three different types of bullying: physical, verbal, and psychological. Physical bullying is an action such as kicking, punching, pushing, stealing, and destructing property to harm another person. Verbal bullying is using words to harm such as making threats, maliciously teasing, or taunting. Psychological bullying includes manipulation of relationships and exclusion from peer groups (Franks, J., Rawana, E., & Brownlee, K., 2013).
A bully’s goal is to dominate and control power over the victim (Guerra, Williams, & Sadek, 2011). Dominance and power is achieved through repetitive intimidation and imbalance of power. Bullying cannot occur when two individuals have the same physical, emotional, or psychological strengths, as neither will be gaining power or dominance over the other. This is a sign of school violence or simple teasing. School violence can lead to bullying, which is a growing problem in schools today (Guerra et al., ...

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... Teachers, counselors, principals, and parents each have a role in the prevention of bullying. Parents can learn to find a balance in how much support they give their children so they don’t tip their child over the bullying/victim line. Staff members in schools can begin to supervise previously unsupervised areas like the hallways and playground.
Bullying prevention is schools is needed in order to stop bullies, victims, and bystanders from the negative impacts on their mental health, physical health, and academic performances. These effects are long-lasting and can turn students who were previously victims or bystanders into bullies themselves. Bullying is seriously harmful to everyone involved, and prevention in schools is the first step to stop bullying altogether, especially when the bullying is starting to go home with the victims in the form of cyberbullying.

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