The Nefarious Nature of Single Narratives

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The Nefarious Nature of Single Narratives
The presentation of a single point of view results in assumptions and prejudices that do not account for the multifaceted nature of people and society. Considering Eugene and Father Benedict’s religious practices, oppression and intolerance of all things unchristian appears to be cemented into Nigerian Catholicism. However, this concept of a unilateral Catholic ideology is broken by Father Amandi, with whose tender acceptance of Igbo culture and loving nature, shines a light on the diversity of religious sentiments in Nigeria. Furthermore, Kambili’s father defies the usual mold of an antagonist. Eugene strives to show the truth through his newspaper and constantly helps those in need. Conversely, he beats his wife and children to the brink of death on multiple occasions, though he believes he is doing the right thing. Thus, Eugene has the oxymoronical characterization of being both kind, generous, devout, and caring while reciprocally abusing those closest to him and falsely justifying it as God’s will. In addition, Kambili’s involvement with various socio economic classes and personalities, from her vicious upper class father to her poor but liberal aunt, portrays a people and society that defies a single categorization. Presenting a multifaceted image of Nigerian culture and beliefs through the complex narrative of the Purple Hibiscus, Ngozi defies prejudices and assumptions that result from a simplistic and one sided portrayal.
Multiple forms of religion used as forces of destruction and growth in Purple Hibiscus reveal the complexity of religion in Nigeria. Defying categorical assumptions, Father Amandi and Eugene provide contrasting interpretations of Catholicism and Igbo culture. E...

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...on, the mindless depiction of the hawkers is defied by
Chimandi Ngozi utilizes the intricacy of characters and beliefs within Purple Hibiscus to promote the greater accuracy of multi sided descriptions in place of a single viewpoint. For example, Nigerian Catholicism is initially presented as wholly conservative and western. However, Father Amandi’s brand of Catholic and Igbo syncretism is later shown as an equally valid piece of Nigerian faith. In addition, Eugene’s complex nature proves that a person can not be singularly defined. Eugene generously promotes freedom and maintains his good intentions while paradoxically oppressing his family. Finally, the exposure to a wide variety of Nigerian people of different religious, economic, educational, and social backgrounds weaves together the many stories and viewpoints of Nigeria into an intricate yet accurate tale.

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