The Motel Short Story

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Life is probably perfect when you’re ignorant. Julio was a multi millionaire businessman who attract any girl he wanted to with all the money he had. However, he wasn’t sure of his abilities and potential causing him to get married at an early age. He believed that the woman he had was his first and last true love and that he could not get anything better than her. Her name was Lydia, she always got what she wanted, the manipulative type of person who played with his everyone’s emotions every time she has the opportunity to. Julio mostly never spent time home because he was too busy with his work since after all that’s the only thing he was good at. Rumors in throughout the entire city should not surprise you. Several people said that Lydia …show more content…

Julio, felt so surprised and with a knot on his throat that he could not manage to answer him back and just ended the call.

4:00 pm, Julio leaves his office and on his way he chose to grab a drink. He believed that he would clam himself after a drink but felt worse in the inside, not only due to the fact that he could not feel more miserable after being cheated on but, by flashbacks he got with his dad who died of alcoholism five years ago. The motel was not so far away from his office; as he arrived he took a deep breath and asked the friendly receptionist the room’s direction. “213 is not that close. First turn right, and walk until room 200 then finally turn left. You will be able to find the room right away.” Said the smilingly receptionist. Meanwhile Julio made his way to the room, he thought of different ways to react or say whenever he reached his destination. His thoughts and feelings were all mixed up, he had no idea on how should he …show more content…

Julio hesitated and struggled on whether what he was doing was a good idea or not. After 20 seconds of courage he knocked the door. Some noises could be heard from the inside. To get a better perception of what was going on he placed his right ear on the door and heard Lydia’s voice who sound as if she was having too much fun. Without any second thought, he shouted, “Lydia, I am right here, open the door right now”

As expected, the voices stopped and no one dared to answer. Without giving up, Julio kept on knocking hoping someone would open. After about 15 minutes he gave up, sat outside and waited. Hours passed by and Julio could not stop thinking on how he could have been used that way. Everything he had done was for her, everything planned in life was thought with her by his side. It was shocking to realize how everyone else knew about this except for him. Disappointment was his second name at that moment.
It was now 7pm, and Oscar opened the door to leave. Julio, who fell asleep for some minutes, woke up immediately and stared at him with a wide open mouth. His watery eyes shined with the sunset’s colors reflection.

“Oscar? Seriously man I thought you were my friend”, wined Julio. “I trusted you with all my heart. I would have never expected something like this from

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