The Most Lesson Of Lessons From Karate

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Lessons from Karate I started karate when I was three years old and received my black belt when I was nine. It was hard work for a child, but it paid off. I learned many valuable lessons that would help me in the long run. Karate taught me self-defense, dependability, focus, leadership skills, goal setting, and physical fitness. One of the most important skills, karate, taught me was dependability. My classmates depended on me to show up on time for class. If anyone was late, we were all required to do pushups. For example, I was late to class once, and because I was late everyone had to do forty pushups. Making everyone do forty pushups was a quick way to make enemies, therefore I did not want to be late again. Similarly, it has taught …show more content…

The six months prior to receiving my black I was required to help teach karate classes. I, at the age of nine, had to help teach karate classes to students who were often older than me. I would be put in charge of teaching a couple other students. Overall, having to teach people younger than I really helped me in my job this past year, as I was the youngest employee and I had to teach new employees. Another way training for my karate black belt helped me be a leader because I knew I had to set a good example. Because I was a higher belt than most kids my age, I was expected to set a good example for them even though we were the same age. One way I would do this was by encouraging others instead of putting them down. How to lead others is a great and useful skill to learn at a young …show more content…

It was drilled into me that karate was for self-defense only. It is never to be used to bully anyone. In fact, if a karate instructor heard that I used karate for anything else, they would kick me out of class. I learned several self-defense techniques that could save my life. Some of the skills I learned were how to get out of different kinds of choke holds, how to disarm someone with a knife, stick disarms and much more. I am lucky enough that I have never had to use any of these techniques, but we drilled them so much theses self-defense moves are

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