The More You Know The Smarter You Are Essay

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“As a human being, one has been endowed with just enough intelligence to be able to see clearly how utterly inadequate that intelligence is when confronted with that exists” (Albert Einstein) Everyone is intelligent in many ways. People can also learn in many, many ways. An example is how musicians are smart in music and write the music in many ways. There are many ways unexpected people are intelligent and here are three ways that people can be intelligent. Such as street smarts, musical, and artistic intelligences. To begin, street smarts can be earned by knowing what’s wrong and what’s right. Abraham Lincoln is a perfect example of street smarts because of how he was able to keep the country united and controlled the country from all of the dangers. As he had dealt with all of these problems most people congratulated him for his good work. In the story “The More You Know, the Smarter You Are?” states that people are intelligent in many ways. It also states that “Everyone has different strengths and this helps you identify your own …show more content…

Everybody knows the famous singer Shakira and loves music as a singer. For those who are not familiar with this famous singer, well she is nice looking person that has a very beautiful voice and everybody enjoys to listen to her songs. In the informational article states “ Most people with this intelligence think in music and rhythms.” People with this type of intelligence are the most likely to know how music works. Making a piece of music can be very easy for them to make and for those that don’t have this intelligence can be very difficult. More from the article “Are you good at detecting rhythms, patterns, and pitches in music?” People are able to make an observation when the music is correct or incorrect. People with this type of intelligence have the tendency to do better than others but, it’s

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