The Misguided Pursuit of Social and Financial Success

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America is recognized around the world as the land of opportunity and the pathway to success; the idea of being successful in our time however is grossly misguided. A natural assumption or belief that everyone has is that people aspire to be successful; a consensus on what that actually means on the other hand appears to be socially evading. Throughout modern time the characterization of success has become convoluted; no longer is achieving a favorable or desired outcome the customary definition. Its mainstream depiction has been aggressively promoted by the more prominent social class. To become part of this social class is the aspiration of many people. However, its pursuit is negatively affecting many lives physically and financially.

With multiple ways to engage the public; mainstream media giants skillfully exploit the nation’s social impulse through vast advertising. Their aim is to influence and accustom the public’s perception of success for capital gain. Becon Press Ben H. Bagdikian, described Chuck Blore, a partner in the advertising firm Chuck Blore & Don Ruchman Inc, as saying “Advertising is the art of arresting the human intelligence just long enough to get money from it.”(as cited in Media and Advertisements, Global issues, 2008). The media’s methods are very effective but none more so than the exploitation of social behaviors; the desire for acceptance. It’s commonly understood that each person is responsible for their own decisions and any actions taken as a result of it. However, we must also empathize with those whose lives are turned upside down by the deceptive agenda of others. Although we have come to accept mainstream media as a part of our daily living, the industry often conditions the public to accept ...

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