The Miranda Rights as they are today are no longer appropriate and need to be modified

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Thesis: The Miranda Rights as they are today are no longer appropriate and need to be modified. A young couple is murdered in the middle of the night. The next night a single mother of two is raped and killed in her apartment. Her children murdered beside her. A killer is on the loose. The citizens are scared. The police form a task force. Finally, after weeks of investigations and false leads, a suspect is identified and apprehended. The suspect is interrogated and eventually confesses to the crimes. The suspect also admits to other murders that until now were unknown to the Law Enforcement community. Months later the case is tried in court. An experienced defense attorney discovers that during the interview, the detective who interrogated the suspect forced the suspect to continue talking, even after the suspect stated he did not want to continue the interview. After this is brought to the attention of the judge, the admission of guilt and all information obtained thereafter are thrown out of court. The result? The killer goes free. Is this story fact or fiction? While the details discussed are fictional, stories like this with facts that are almost identical play out in court rooms across American many times each year. Killers, Rapists, Drug Dealers, and many other criminals are being set free in our country. Not because they are not guilty, but because they are were not allowed to exercise their right to remain silent. If somebody abducts your child and the police apprehend a suspect, they should be allowed to make every attempt possibly to solicit information about the whereabouts of your child regardless of the desires of the criminal. And if the criminal eventually provides ... ... middle of paper ... ...ind Law. 30 July 30, 2010. Cooke, Michael. “Case brief of Miranda vs. Arizona 1966: A look into the Supreme Court case of Miranda v Arizona, and how it changed suspect rights”. Essortment, information and advice you want to know. 2002. 7 Aug 2010. Hayes, Stephen. “Miranda Rights for Terrorists”. 19 June 2009. 6 Aug 2010. Cassell, Paul. “Miranda Rights”. Online News Hour. 6 January 2000. 8 Aug 2010. Graham, Lindsey. “Sen. Lindsey Graham: Miranda rights 'counterproductive'”. Politico. 5 May 2010. 5 August 2010.

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