The Meaning Of Money: Book Analysis

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The Meaning of Money pamphlet stated that, “Money is a tool of exchange, which can’t exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them.” The quote is able to relate to the Source of Wealth; since money is so valuable it would be used to “...purchase products and services which increase the monetary units..” Without men to produce products or items, money cannot be exchanged and therefore, no trade. By producing more products or items, it would lower the value of each dollar that’s already in the circulation, resulting an inflation. The quote is also related to the video “iPencil: trade and specialization”, exchange and trade, in similar terms, happens between two people or a corporation. Since money are used to exchanged to get a product or service from someone else, that person that would exchange or trade for their labor or resources would get money. In the The Meaning of Money booklet, the quote "Money is your means of survival." would relate to The Source of Wealth excerpt. In the Source of Wealth, Adam Smith had stated that to make wealth with no “manipulation of the money supply by government,” there 's a need for innovation, hard work, savings as well as investments. …show more content…

The reason that both contents is used is because in those pages it wrote about how happiness is actually obtained. Not because of money but because of social needs and maybe a bit of physiological needs. Happiness cannot be purchased by money because people mostly get it from recognizing their social needs. Social needs depend on self-esteem, love, friendship, anything that involves interactions with others, while physiological needs concerned with biological needs. Money could be encouraged to spent on things that people want, but not need or both and some people would consider that as their own “happiness” however it cannot be really

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