The Mbuti Pygmies

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In the Congo’s of Africa lives the Mbuti Pygmies. They are a foraging culture that depends on hunting and gathering for their survival, as well as the ability to trade with agricultural villages. Living in the rain forest gives way to temper changes as well as changes to the plant and animal surroundings. Adapting to these elements in key to surviving in here for a foraging society in with Mbuti has done very well. They never used more resources than needed for their own survival which is what we call a subsistence economy. Foraging communities are referred to as immediate return system meaning that consumption of food and other resources happens immediately. They keep very little surplus and no to little desire to store goods as if they need something they can go out and get it in their surroundings (Woodburn, 1988). Being a foraging society gives way to different ways they cope with relationships, politics, and social organizations. Having the ability to adapt to the surrounding environment is a big key in a foraging society due to how much the resources change as well as how the weather plays a role. The Mbuti practice a more primary generalized reciprocity where they exchange goods with people they know and trust. The Mbuti take care of the agriculture villages with meats and other goods while the agriculture villages exchange starch goods as well as hiring the Mbuti to do jobs that they are not familiar with. The roles of the men and woman in this culture are very little but both take an important part in how this band survives. As a foraging society, the division of labor distinct between the men and woman of Mbuti in regards to who does the hunting and who does gathering among them. The Mbuti use their spirituality to bless the land that they live on as it will continue providing for them. The Mbuti are influenced by their horticultural substance in different aspects of their lives from their relationships with each other to their political organization and to how their economy is influenced by their ability to hunt and gather their own resources.

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