The Mastery of Love by Don Ruiz

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Chapter one, entitled “The Wounded Mind,” is about people’s emotional wounds. All humans are mentally sick. That illness called fear. People afraid to be who they are. If someone says something bad to a person, he/she will take it personally and it would be hurtful. To protect that emotional wounds people create a big “denial system” which helps us to become a perfect liar. Sometime we lie to protect ourselves from the pain. Daniel system is a wall of fog that blinds us from seeing the truth, and it lets us pretend that everyone believes what we want them to believe about us. People protect themselves to wear a social mask, because it’s painful to see ourselves or let others to see us.

Chapter two, entitled “The loss of Innocence,” is about that when people lose their innocence. Children can easily perceive everything very fast. Their world is different. They aren’t ashamed to show love, to be happy, and freedom. But everything could change. We have lost our innocence since childhood. We are forced to change and starting perceiving world differently, which contains a lot of emotional pain and poison. In this chapter there are a couple of examples shows that how a kid’s world could change. Sometimes when kids are expressing love (they want to play with parents and start running), parents could punish them because it’s not safe for them. But the kid doesn’t understand why she did that, and it is fair or not fair. And this opens an emotional wound in the mind, and may get infected by emotional poison.

Chapter three, entitled “The Men Who Don’t Believe in Love,” is about men are thinking that love doesn’t exist. The author is trying to say that people sometimes making mistakes when they are getting married. Couples are giving a ...

... middle of paper ... you’re telling yourself that you are not good enough, you are not smart, not beautiful. Don’t believe that you are not deserve being happy. Don’t believe whatever makes you suffer. Finally, the third rule is don’t believe anyone else. People are lying all the time, and you do not need to believe them. The second step to heal emotional wounds is forgiveness. You must forgive those who hurt you, even when it is unforgivable. You’re not doing for them, you are doing for yourself, because you don’t want to be hurt any time when you remember what happened. The last step that I read in this chapter was love. Love is the medicine that helps the process of healing wounds. To love your neighbor, parent, friend, first you have to love yourself. You cannot be happy if you do not love yourself. In short, there are three simple methods that can heal the emotional wounds.

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