The Major Themes of Shakespeare's Othello Exposed Through Speeches

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Othello, written in the 16th century by William Shakespeare, revolves around the themes of jealousy, appearance versus reality, and interracial relationships. Othello, one of the main characters, is a round and dynamic character. Othello’s personality and his speeches varied a lot throughout the beginning, middle, and end of the play, due to his sole weakness of jealousy.
In the beginning of the play, Othello’s speeches were long and his personality was a brave man. His speeches were long because he was always explaining of things in defense of Brabantio’s accusations and he was not the best at making conversation. As Othello said in the debut of the play, “rude am I in my speech and little blessed with the soft phrase of peace.” (34) This quote shows that Othello is not as comfortable as he wishes to be with talking smoothly. His personality was a heroic and valiant fighter who rarely gets angry. To show Othello is a heroic individual, the Duke of Venice said to him, “Valiant Othello, we must straight employ you against the general enemy Ottoman.” (32) In the start of the play, Othe...

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