The Magic Of Movie Going Analysis

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In the article “The Magic of Movie Going” the writer claims that going to a movie theatre is a magical experience that a person can’t experience anywhere else. However, I’ve found that watching a movie at home can be just as enjoyable and intense as watching a movie at the theatre. The movie theatre is always known as a social place but your living room can be just as social, you can also customise your movie watching experience at home to make yourself more comfortable. Also not going to the movie theatre can help you save extra money! Watching a movie at home can be just as social as going to a movie theatre. The writer of the article states that movie theatres have a certain social aspect around them. He claims that because of all the people gathered in the theatre that it becomes a much more social experience than watching a movie at home. However, I disagree because if you have a group of 5 (for example) close friends watching a movie with you, it’s still a social experience. Some would also argue that having people you know around you while watching the movie would be more enjoyable, and it would help if a person had any feelings of social anxiety. …show more content…

The writer states that at a movie theatre the viewer is more immersed compared to at home. However, with the modern technology we have available today, most families have a large sized TV and some might even have surround sound, which helps to engross the viewer just as a movie theatre would. At home one can also be as comfortable as they please when watching a movie (using a pillow, blankets, couches) compared to being forced into using the movie theatres chairs. The more comfortable you are, the more you will be immersed and enjoy the movie. If someone doesn’t find the theatre chairs comfortable they can’t enjoy the

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