The Magic Lamp Essay: The Magic Lamp

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The Magic Lamp

It was Sunday morning, and I just arrived home from the Flea market. The day was uneventful; all I got from my morning expedition was a small lamp. As I laid down my find on the table, I noticed some smudges on the lamp, which I rubbed off with a damp towel. Long, before I knew it, a swirl of white cloud billowed from the lamp that slowly formed into a genie. The genie looked exactly the one from the story of Aladdin and the magic lamp. As expected, the genie spoke, "Thank you for letting me out and for that I 'll grant you three wishes." I looked around the room and saw the words 'Ancient Greece ' on one of the brochures on my desk. Caught by surprise, I asked, "How about a trip to Ancient Greece?”

The next thing I knew, I was no longer in my living room but in a dusty and pebbled road on a market square. I was dressed in a white and long tunic instead of jeans, and on my feet, a pair of sandals. I looked around.Indeed, I was transported back in time to Ancient Greece!

A young boy came up to …show more content…

This colossal gold-and-ivory statue of Athena dominated the

interior of the Parthenon. "The statue seems to have been over 12 meters tall, nearly 40

feet tall. The parts of her flesh that were visible were made of ivory, and her dress, her

armor, and her jewelry were made of gold” (Nova, 2008). The sculpture was made of

wood, covered with bronze and gold plates. Overall, "the gold weighed about 2,400

pounds; thus the Athena Parthenos embodied a sizeable part of the treasury of Athens

(Wikipedia, n.d.).

A marble Metope from the Parthenon, showing a Greek fighting a

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