The MOVE Disaster

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Dr. Aaron J. Ley PSC 501 - Theory in Public Administration URI Providence Feinstein MPA Program Week 10 Summary Ready from Shafritz & Hyde Policy Analysts: “A New Professional Role in Government Service” by Yehezkel Dror Policy Paradox: “The Art of Political Decision Making” by Deborah Stone Marie Y. Joseph 11/02/2014 PSC 501 – Case study: The MOVE disaster by Jack H. Nagel The MOVE disaster The facts: MOVE originated in Powelton, a village of West Philadelphia. The cult, comprised of forty people who were primarily black, adopted the philosophy of Vincent Leaphart, consisting of reverence for all animal life and a rejection of the American lifestyle. Leaphart changed his name to John Africa, and all …show more content…

In March 1976, when MOVE accused the police of causing the death of a MOVE infant, John Africa turned to armed resistance. In March 1, 1978, the city obtained court permission to blockade the MOVE headquarters for nonpayment of utility bills and refusal to admit inspectors. Authorities shut off the gas and water and remained off for two months until an agreement was reached. MOVE surrendered weapons, allowed inspectors to the property and promised to vacate it by August 1, 1978. In return, eighteen jailed MOVE members were freed and authorities promised to drop all charges once MOVE departed from …show more content…

By cherishing his value, he became the Mayor of the MOVE members and not of their neighbors. The MOVE members mistreated their neighbors for a long time. Mayor Goode did not act until May13, 1978. This MOVE case teaches all of us, specifically present and future public servants that avoidance and hasty action after a situation deteriorates can result in a significantly worse outcome than proactive, thoughtful action at the onset of an

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