The Lottery Short Story

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As Richard Jones laughs and converses with his family at the breakfast table, his Cindy prepares his work uniform for the day. Rich is a union tradesman at the local mill. Today, like every day, he kisses his family good-bye, and he departs for work at seven. He climbs into the cab of his rusty, beat-up truck, then pulls out of the driveway. While leaving, he looks in the window of his small house, and he sees how great his little family is; he smiles. Even though they do not get to go on vacations every year or buy new shoes every month, his family is content, and they always smile back at him. After a long morning of work, Richard decides he will treat himself and go out to lunch. While returning to work from the local diner, a billboard catches his attention. It is for the Power Ball Jackpot, a prize of 100 million dollars. “Wow! Imagine what I could do with so much cash,” he thinks to himself. Without hesitation, he swings into the gas station lot and runs in. He purchases a ticket, thanks the clerk with a smile, and returns to work. Richard, as usual, is exhausted after a long day. He decides to sit down on the couch and watch the news. When Richard turns his television on, the story on every local channel is about the winning lottery ticket being sold in town. At first, this is of …show more content…

They seem to be the perfect, happy couple living the American dream, but in private, they are the opposite. With their wealth comes the opportunity to make corrupt decisions. The decide instead of paying their taxes, they would hide money from the government, and while out one night, Rich finds a new endeavor: drugs. He becomes more and more obsessed with his addiction; all Richard can think about is when he will be able to make his next purchase. As Cindy finds out about his addiction, she is mortified. Cindy cannot believe his decisions and she decides to

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