The Lottery Shirley Jackson Analysis

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The Flaw with Traditions
Shirley Jackson’s short story, The Lottery, is about an annual lottery that happens in a small town in New England. The story is an American classic that deals with the realities of living in a traditional rural society. This community depends on nature (rain) to ensure an adequate life and the beliefs and attitudes of people who live and die by things outside their control. A salient theme throughout this story is the repercussion of traditions and customs. Jackson’s writing style is effective through her use of an outside point of view as well as symbolism that exposes relationships between people in different communities. Jackson’s stories present her personal opinions on how she views society.
The lottery drawing that takes place in this particular town does not contain the award of modern day prize of money or an expensive reward. Instead the story ramps up to a lottery drawing that inevitably ends with a death. Jackson’s style of writing captures the images of a disarrayed community. Jackson uses the voice "Well, now." Mr. Summers said soberly, "guess we better get started, get this over with, so's we can go back to work." (10) Jackson is clearly showing an upside-down society which thinks that their hard work is paying off for randomely selecting someone to sacrifice.
The story starts out with a beautiful description of the hot summer day. “The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green.” (Jackson 1) From the first details of the day, the setting contradicts the underlying theme of the entire story. The Lottery can be described as a social commentary as well as a sat...

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...erall, Shirley Jackson uses impressive technique and narrative to communicate her ideas of society and the problems with following traditions and customs. Although when first reading this story it is easy to be shocked by the type of society Jackson is writing about, she is clever in putting herself at an outside perspective. This is because we should also be looking at our societies, traditions and customs from an outside perspective and making sure they do conflict with moral ideas or values. Our society and world has already demonstrated that we as human beings can have this type of prejudice against people whether its in the form of racism, discrimination based on gender, or simply singling people out. Jackson captures the type of cruelness that can occur because of human nature. “The customs and practices of life on society sweep us along” (Micheal Montaguine)

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