The Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis

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Lord of the flies, a book that symbolizes our society today with a group of young boys on an island. Despite the society we live in may not seem like whether or not there are good people or bad people, but there are evil people in society and contains good people as well, according to William Golding in his dystopian novel The Lord of the Flies. A group of young boys from London was on a plane when it was struck down by their enemy as it was World War II and crashed on an island. What was thought to be a paradise soon became an evil nightmare they would not forget. It seems at first in the book evil pushes down society but good tries to helps society back up. “You’re talking too much,” said Jack Merridew. ‘Shut up, Fatty.’ Laughter arose. ‘He’s not Fatty,’ cried Ralph, ‘his real name’s Piggy!’.”(21). The evil character, Jack, tries to hurt society which is Piggy, by calling him a name, but this is not as bad when later in …show more content…

“Jack stood over him. His voice was vicious with humiliation. ‘You would, would you Fatty!’ Ralph made a step forward and Jack smacked Piggy’s head. Piggy’s glasses flew off and tinkled on the rocks. Piggy cried out in terror: ‘My specs!’ He went crouching and feeling over the rocks but Simon, who got there first, found them for him. Passions beat about Simon on the mountaintop with awful wings.” (71). Jack hitting Piggy is basically how society is being destroyed by evil. But Simon who symbolizes Jesus in the book, gives Piggy’s glasses back to him, which have one broken lean. Piggy had feared his glasses broke which is a symbolic way that he can not clean his glasses in hope that he can see society again. When Simon committed this action as Jesus was foretold to have saved many villages as he passes by on his journey, as for Simon the book was showing what good people can make an impact on society when evil has tried to destroy

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