Spiritual Experience Essay

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One of the most important things I learned about in this class was the link between religion, spirituality, and health. “Spiritual experience” can have many different meanings for every person, but all those experiences can have some significant impact on health. Many of the positive health impacts are extremely helpful, simply because we exist in such a crazy world. Religion and spirituality can be used as efficient coping mechanisms to deal with overall stress, anxiety, depression, and feelings about death. They can also provide a reason to live or exist in life; some people are not able to see a purpose in life without looking through a religion or spiritual lens, so their spirituality is essentially what is keeping them alive.
The second most important thing I learned was how impactful religion could be throughout development in life. At every different stage of life, the more a spiritual belief is instilled within you, the more it affects your understanding. Kids take the meaning of spiritual belief from the one who teaches them. They don’t often question what is being taught because the information is usually coming from person who has taught them everything else in life. Once they get older, they still have …show more content…

I think that more information should be gathered from people’s deconversion experiences in mainstream religions simply because of the scale of membership. Of course the cult deconversions are generally more interesting because cults have an occult mystique to them, but mainstream deconversion is probably far more common and actually more relevant to the general public. I think that with those experiences we can learn more about individual’s disillusionment with religion and spirituality. When many people deconvert from a cult, they end up joining an established religion, maybe even a

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