The Light

758 Words2 Pages

As consciousness slowly begins to return to John Luther, he hears voices surrounding him. Questions clutter his mind as he tries to move on the cold hard surface that he is sprawled out upon. The movement sends a surge of pain throughout his whole body. His eyes feel too heavy to open, but he forces them to. The bright lights blind him momentarily, but his eyes adjust a few seconds later. He sees two men dressed in suits hovering above him. He is quickly frightened when he realizes that in place of their eyes is nothing but darkness. The last thing John feels is a pinch in his left forearm and then the light is gone.
The next time John opens his eyes, he's in a different place. It's a small room with not much but a bed and a small table next to it. It doesn't take much for him to realize that he's in a hospital. His mind goes into a panic as he tries to piece together what happened. A nurse walks in and takes his blood pressure. He tries to ask her what happened but she has no answer for him. Consternation builds as he thinks of his daughter. "Where's my daughter?" He pleads, but no answer comes from the young nurse. She leaves the room, and John tears the IV out of his arm. He stands up and finds his clothes, wallet, and cell phone on the bedside table. He gets dressed and makes his way to the door.
Passing the waiting room on his way out of the hospital entrance, a woman calls his name. He turns to her and tries to recall if he knows her, but he has no recollection of her. "I know who you are. I know what's happening." A million questions come to his mind. "Not here," she explains. "We must go somewhere private." She leads him to her car and tells him to get in. He follows the command and slides into the passenger seat. "Please...

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... John spits in the woman's face. "YOU MONSTER. WHERE IS SHE?" She stands up and walks into another room. A few moments later, she returns. Allison holding her hand. Horror fills him when he sees what they have done to her. Her eyes are gone. She is like them. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?" He screams. "Allison, honey! Come here! It's me, honey! It's daddy!" She runs to him and hugs him. Relief fills him as he hugs her. However, that relief soon turns to terror as he feels teeth sink into his neck. He gasps for air and spits blood out of his mouth. He closes his eyes, and then all that is left is darkness. “He knew too much, and we couldn’t risk him remembering on his own. Poor guy. And well… we wouldn’t want our new little girl to starve would we? She’s got quite an appetite.” She grins as she watches the young child rip the flesh off of the man she once called “Dad”.

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