The Last Lecture Reflection

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At first the title of the video, The Last Lecture, did not make much sense to me. I said to myself that it was a catchy tittle designed to sell you some kind of book, summit or mastermind program. I have never heard of Dr. Paush before. When he started the lecture and gave insights of his battle with pancreatic cancer, I understood the real meaning of the Last Lecture. He spoke from his heart and I was extremely impressed with his outlook of life, something totally unexpected for a man in his condition. Immediately Dr. Paush earned my respect and made me pay close attention to his speech. For me, he was the personification of the Find your way back-The life-or-death strategy mentioned in the text (Green, 2012, pg. 40). During his speech he touched on three concepts that are directly related to my Mastery Journey. The understanding and application of those three elements will be defining factor on my personal quest for Mastery. …show more content…


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