The Large Bathers Analysis

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Paul Cézanne’s The Large Bathers, (Cezanne) while in itself is a departure from the classical painting style of the past, is also a starting point for both Matisse’s Bonheur de Vivre and Picasso’s Les Demoiselles. Cézanne started with the classical subject of nude bathers, and took them out of their classical surrounding of temples or mythological surroundings and brought them to the French countryside and to the present. He did so with an artistic style that too was far from classical. The figures in the painting are unfinished, and devoid of anything we would think of as a normal depiction of the nude form. They are roughly sketched out, when they are and very often flow from one figure into another. In the case of the figure on the extreme left side of the …show more content…

In his Bonheur de Vivre (Matisse) the figures are equally non-classical in both their appearance and in the eroticism they show expressing the work’s title, in English a “Joy of Life”. Matisse’s figures however do not blend into their surroundings in the least. They are very present in contrast to the vivid reds and yellows so prevalent. Most of the figures are outlined with the red and green used in the foliage but contrasting against the other background colors. Except for the figures in the front they all seem formed and individual. The couple in the right front of the painting have merged though we can feel the lovemaking tension from them but neither are truly complete. The female form seems to be another early example of a figure either being seen from multiple viewpoints at once or as one that is in she is outlined she seems to be laying away from us however her head is in the arms of her lover but not only is it not visible it also seems to be a completely wrong angle. Under the outlined figure though is another patch of the same flesh coloring, suggesting she is or was curved into

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