The Land Brought Food and Wealth in Pearl Buck's The Good Earth

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Throughout The Good Earth, by Pearl Buck, the land brings forth nourishing food and wealth as well as comfort to those who work it. Those who are not close with the land suffer immensely and are corrupted by their distance from the land. Distance from their land is usually because of money, which is overriding corrupting force. The corruption of money causes people to leave their land. This in turn causes further corruption because the nourishing land is not able to save the people from their obsession with money. Wang Lung starts off poor, but happy. While he is not satisfied with his place in life, especially compared to the seemingly mighty and rich House of Hwang, Wang Lung is pleased to have a wife, Olan. Olan helps him in the fields, in addition to all of her housework, and she bears him sons. With her help, Wang Lung becomes successful and rich. His displeasure in his place in life is evident with Olan; while he is pleased to have her as his wife, he is upset that he cannot afford to have a wife with bound feet. Although he is disappointed in Olan’s appearance, it does not truly affect him until he becomes rich, at which point he decides that she is too ugly and he must take another wife, against his father’s wishes. Wang Lung is happy when he works the land. The land brings him peace and keeps him sane through trying times. Wang Lung is happy while he is close with the land. He forgets all of his cares and troubles in the world while he works the land. The act of farming becomes therapeutic for Wang Lung, to the point that if insomnia sets in, he simply goes to the fields and works. As Wang Lung gains his wealth, through hard work of the land, he becomes increasingly dissatisfied. Whereas before Wang Lung is happy to h... ... middle of paper ... ...nds peace and comfort and is able to die easily. Wang Lung sons constantly bicker about money. They are corrupted by wealth; they care about nothing but their money and physical possessions. They care so much about money that they sell all of Wang Lung’s land after his death. Even though the land can still make more money for them and it is what brought them out of poverty and into a high status in life, they want nothing to do with the land. The corrupt sons live in the corruption of the city and sell the nourishing land. On a basic level the land nourishes their body, but on a more complex level the land nourished Wang Lung’s soul and brought him comfort as well as providing for his needs. Like the Hwang house, the Wang house will fall because it sold its land. No matter what hard times they went through, there is still the land, and no one could steal the land.

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