The Kite Runner Irony Analysis

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Irony is a common motif found throughout The Kite Runner. Irony is the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally implies the opposite, normally for humorous or emphatic effect. However, the use of irony in The Kite Runner was not used as much for its humorous effect as it was primarily used for its emphatic effect. A standout amongst the most captivating, yet unexpected, components in "The Kite Runner" is when Amir adopts, Hassan's child, Sohrab. Amir is able to reclaim Sohrab from the Taliban and kidnapper, Assef. The situation is ironic because Assef assaulted and raped Hassan in their chidhood, as Amir witnessed, yet Hassan never held the the disturbing event against Amir. Many years later, Amir and his wife, decide to

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