The Kite Runner Compare And Contrast

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In Kite Runner, the author describes Amir's journey after witnessing the rape of his best friend and half-brother Hassan. This book details the struggles Amir faces in keeping this terrible secret. It shapes his life forever, for good and for bad. After never being able to have a son, Amir finds himself among the Taliban in his hometown, Kabul. After an immense struggle, Amir finds Sohrab, his half-brother's orphan son and finally correct the mistake he helped set one fateful winter night. Because of the drastic differences in the two main settings of the story, war-time Middle East and freedom-loving America, Khaled Housseini accents the struggle the Middle East has in maintaining peace. Even inside of Afghanistan, he shows further contrast using a slight character foil of Amir, a privileged child, and Farid, the hardworking "real Afghan". This shows just how different the life of someone who lives even just a neighborhood away can be. By doing this, the author creates more internal conflict between Amir and his harshest critic, himself. …show more content…

He is fiercely dedicated to Amir, even risking his life for him on multiple occasions. He is so blindly devoted to Amir that even when asked to do something humiliating or cruel, he does so without question. Even after Amir has framed Hassan for theft after witnessing him get raped, he accepts the punishment without complaint. As Amir describes, Hassan is such a completely sincere and truthful person that he assumes everyone else is as well. Because of his ability to still look up to Amir after his rape, Hassan is portrayed as a person with loyal and honest values his is very

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