The Kite Runner Betrayal Research Paper

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Betrayal. How many of you have heard that word before, I am guessing almost all of you have. So what does betrayal mean to you when you hear it? Betrayal comes in many different shapes and sizes and everyone sees what betrayal is differently. For Amir it happens to be a choice he made as a little boy. In the book “The Kite Runner” Amir the main character changes drastically from the beginning of the book to the end book to the end. First I will be explaining how Amir was as a kid, what changed him, and how he is as a young adult. The the book starts off talking about how two kids are playing together near a tree; that is Amir and Hassan. The two big key role players in the book. There two young little boys are very special child-hood “friends”. …show more content…

All of Amir's life he has tried and tries to get Baba’s attention and to make him happy. Amir is the very opposite of his dad and vise versa. His dad is very outgoing, the town's hero, well spoken, and sporty. On the other hand Amir is exactly like his mother quiet, serene, a poet, and likes reading and writing. The one thing that his dad and him have in common is that they both enjoy kite running/fighting. As time goes on in the book “Amir still struggles to fulfill his father’s exacting standards (Miles 1).” Babe sometimes believes Amir isn’t his real son if he hadn’t “... hadn’t seen [his] own wife push him out (Hayes 2).” Amir sees how his father looks at him with a boorish look. So Amir comes up with a lucid plan, to win the kite runner contest and he is bound to win his father’s attention and heart and in due time he does. “He does get Baba's approval when he wins the kite fighting contest (Hayes 2).” For a while him and his dad start getting along and spending loads of time together but that doesn’t last long at all. They both came to their senses and realize that kite runner is the only thing they have in common and that is what gets them talking but they still will always love each other. After that Amir tries everything in his power to reconnect with his dad, to regain what he always wanted with his father. Amir …show more content…

After Amir had won the kite running battle Hassan decided to run Amir kite around Kabul to show everyone he was the champion. It had been a while since Amir had seen Hassan and thought he should have be back by now. But did he know something horrid was going on to Amir. Amir happened to find with Hassan was but he wasn’t alone, he turned the corner and “ [He] couldn't stop looking at: One was the blue kite resting against the wall, close to the cast iron stove; the other was Hassan’s brown corduroy pants thrown on a heap of eroded bricks (Hosseini 75).” Yes what you think is about to happen is happening. This poor little boy is about to experience the worst situation in his life right now. While his best “friend” is standing there watching not doing anything. As he is just standing there “Assef knelt behind Hassan, put his hands on Hassan’s hips and lifted his bare buttocks. He kept one hand on Hassan’s back and undid his own belt buckle with his free hand. He unzipped his jeans. Dropped his underwear. He positioned himself behind Hassan. Hassan didn’t struggle. Didn’t even whimper. He moved his head slightly and I caught a glimpse of his face (hosseini 75-76).” This boy is lying helpless and who knows what is going through his mind but his friend his brother is staring at him getting raped and not doing anything to stopped it. Hassan catches him looking and just

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