The Kitchen Table Series By Carrie Mae Weem

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Carrie Mae Weems created a story using photographs. She called the photo series “The Kitchen Table Series”. The piece that I identified at the Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art was “Untitled, from the Kitchen Table Series, 1990/2010”. Weems encourages subject, form, and meaning in her piece. The photograph depicts a mother and daughter sitting at the dining room table applying makeup together. This tender moment displays the mother at the head of the table and the daughter is to her right(your left). The two are both applying lipstick with their right hand and have their makeup scattered on the table. The daughter has a smaller mirror than her mother. The black and white photograph has grey tones ranging from black to white. Weems uses shape by having her subjects near the middle of the picture plane. All the shapes are mostly geometric. The wall corners and door creases frame the mother. The top of the light is shaped like a triangle and the left side uses an imaginary line. If you follow the line with your eyes it falls directly onto the daughter. There are vertical lines on the table that guide your eyes to the end of the table where the mother sits. In this photograph, Weems decided to …show more content…

She uses herself as the surrogate of the self-possessed, modern black women.” The intention of this photograph in the series is to show a delicate and relatable moment between mother and daughter. This piece reminds me of my childhood. I used to go into my mother’s room and dress up in her clothes, jewelry, and makeup. My mom used to play dress up with me too. The concept of your “mom is your biggest role model” was true for me. As a result, I believe that concept really shows in this photograph. The daughter wants to follow in her mother’s footsteps and be a strong, beautiful

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