The Journey Of Jesus Christ

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Jesus lived for about 33 years in the early years of the 1st century AD. For most of his life he worked as a carpenter in Nazareth, a busy town in northern Israel. Jesus Christ was born into this world as the son of Mary inheriting from her his mortality and as the Son of God inheriting from him the powers of immortality. Christ grew in knowledge from grace to grace until He gained the fullness of all things. All power in heaven and earth was given to Him. Jesus Christ suffered for all the sins of mankind on the cross, and yet he remained sinless. Because of His atonement, we need not suffer for our own sins, if we choose to repent and come unto Christ. Christ also suffered all our mourning, loss, insecurities, sorrows, and mistakes, so that the atonement can lead us to peace during our mortal lives in addition to the eternities. His suffering increased His compassion for us and understanding of our trials. Resurrection is His gift to all living things. Salvation into some degree of glory in heaven is nearly universal for mankind, whether we accept the atonement, or not. Two tho...

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