The Joker's Use Of Game Theory In The Joker-Dark Knight

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The movie I chose write about which has deviance as a central theme was The Joker- Dark Knight. In this movie the Joker plays a criminal that sets out to excitement in his life of crime. The joker commits criminal acts addicted as if crime was a drug and he needs these regular fixes of action to bring him intense stimulation. Unfortunately, the Joker starts to develop an enormous tolerance to the drug of crime, wanting that forever increasing "dose" making him capable to plan horrible sadistic capers. The joker in this movie plays a very unsympathetic villain. He’s literally portrayed as an evil criminal that murders civilians with weapons such as knives and poison. We are made to identify with the Joker giving us a glimpse about the dark …show more content…

The game theory is deployed often in this movie by a rational theoretical perspective. Examples, of this are when the Joker attaches explosives to two ferries. Each ferry has a detonator that is very capable of blowing up the other ferry traveling with citizens. Now the citizens on both ferries are told the only way they can survive is to be the first on either ferry to press the detonator. The Jokers fate is never revealed in The Dark Knight or the The Dark Knight Rises. However in the movie it does mention his whereabouts in the end. He finds himself as a resident of the newly-rebuilt asylum, which holds him in solitary confinement as an ultimate punishment for his crimes. The main theme of The Dark Knight is escalation of the Jokers force. Such events lead to an escalation that forces choices from Batman and James Gordon make. In the movie Gotham experiences many social problems and has the same deviant and criminal activity which commonly makes the news in our own cities and states. Corporate crime is greatly widespread, corruption among police is rampant, and deviant evil subcultures rule the streets. Conflicts between good and evil, justifications for violence and reliance on power as a means of social control can be

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