Disadvantages Of Tajweed

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In the name of Allah, the most merciful the especially merciful Since the revelation of the message to the Prophet Muhammad (S), Muslims have been eager to gain blessings from the Quran in many different ways. For example, the very act of learning the correct understanding of the Quran helps man gain perspective of why he has been put on this Earth. Similarly, memorizing the Quran raises the status of the believer, as the Prophet (S) told us, “It will be said to the companion of the Quran: Recite and rise in status, recite as you used to recite in the world, for your status will be at the last verse that you recite.” Lastly, Muslims recite the Quran to be led into paradise, as the Prophet (S) said, ‘the Quran in an intercessor… whoever puts …show more content…

Elements of tajweed differ, but may overlap with certain elements of maqamat. Tajweed, which is often limited in description as being the correct pronunciation of letters and respective characteristics is far more than such. The underlying purpose of tajweed, as illustrated by the Prophet (S), is to convey the messages and meanings of the glorious Quran. This includes the correct use of pausation techniques, increasing and decreasing of the pitch, raising and lowering the volume, Inflection points and even cadence. The implementation of these the proper articulation points and the listed techniques add feeling and demonstrate the beauty of Quran. It was for these very reasons that the Quraysh, described as poetry and oration experts, instantly identified the Quran as a …show more content…

In consideration of both views, it appears that there is commonality regarding the use of proper tajweed rules as well as exemplifying the beauty of one 's voice. Islam teaches balance and moderation in our actions. however, as with any action, there do exist the possibly of extremes. The extreme pronunciation of the Quran in which the rules of tajweed are disregarded in an attempt to beautify the verses should be avoided. This extreme pronunciation is by no means indicative of the entire field of rhythms and melodies. The incorrect classification of such should also be avoided. There also exists a point of contention equating the use of rhythms and tones to musical instruments, which make it impermissible. This appears to be an odd analogy under normal circumstances. Lastly, an additional underlying factor leading to the perceived impermissibility of rhythms and tones is that people may not understand the Quran, being oblivious to the meanings behind the tone changes, pauses and volume and that are

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