The Intricately Woven Themes of Slaughterhouse-Five

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The Intricately Woven Themes of Slaughterhouse-Five

At first glance Slaughterhouse-Five appears to be

a simplistic story. It is a short account of a man's

experiences in World War II and the effects the war had on

his life. But by taking a deeper look into

Slaughterhouse-Five we see intricately woven themes,

contrasts, and morals. Vonnegut has disguised a great

lecture against war and an acceptance of death through the

idiocy and simplicity of Billy Pilgrim.

Vonnegut begins the novel with a warning. His first

chapter subtly warns us that Slaughterhouse-Five has been

difficult for him to produce. "This one is a failure," he

writes, "since it was written by a pillar of salt" (22; ch.

1). The irony of this statement is that by looking back in

time Vonnegut accuses himself of idiocy, like Billy Pilgrim.

Yet one of the main themes of the entire work is the "bugs

in amber" or the existence of the past, present, and future

all at once. In the opening chapter he also humbles his work

by telling us how it begins and ends, stressing the

succeeding theme.

Billy Pilgrim is a master of disguise. He serves as

a superb mask that Vonnegut hides behind in order to get his

messages across without scaring readers away with boring

lectures. Vonnegut wants us to accept life as it is and to

understand that death is inevitable and something we must

not fear. He indirectly lets us know that this is

a realization that he has come to in his own life, most

likely through the war experience, and invites us to follow

in his footsteps. Through his humor and lightheartedness he

does not force these ideas on us but helps us to open our

minds to new ways of perceiving our lives. As the king of

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