The Influence Of The Spread Of English?

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The Influence of the Spread of English

English had become an international language and due to its globalization and spread around the world it has much different influence on the society and people lives where some considered it as positive aspect and some as negative.

Every country have different ideology toward the language and they put the policies rules based on their beliefs so they use language policy to put the appropriate language to identify their culture identity and equality and for people to get better communication with their own community and with people from other communities also they use language planning where the language play an important role in organization the community and unite.(seargeant,2012,pp.8,9,14) …show more content…

So this language became important and reach high status in the modern global society because many people wanted to know about this language and where it take or lead them to , so English was known as the language of opportunity due to the impact of globalization and economic development in some countries like India and sri lanka and the sociologist Bourdie suggest that the linguistic resources that are distributed among members of society and the learning of this language can improve the people life which they can get better work and to get better …show more content…

Phillipson argue that due to the spread of English and the contribution of politic of language for some big developing countries such as USA and UK they are exercising their power over those in poorer and weak countries and he refer to all of this as linguistic imperialism which lead to division between different groups and different counties so phillipson argument was to show that the aim of spread of English for political purposes and this continue until these days in many organization of the global community such as the world bank and the British council and that these organization had used English education in developing countries as aim of national development. Ferguson mention 4 points about the effect of hegemony of English in its spread which include first the use of English for communication then it contribute social inequalities and these 2 points relate for the use of English as international language and people who was native speaker got benefit from it more and in other countries knowledge of the language was for those who can afford good quality English language education .while the other

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