Globalization and English Language

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These days the world has become one village (Atcham, 1962). It is easy to communicate with any person, company no matter where their locality is and at any time in the many linguistic and it can be relating financials, politics, and culture. For instance, make directly contact to others through internet using international language. However, there is indirect contact in a sense that people might not understand each other in there conversation and might be using translators or use other means to facilitate communication. Such as a multinational company, which work to provide global products to consumers even if they do not know the global language. All of these reasons which work to set up globalization that means convergence of the world of each other in areas previously mentioned above, regardless of geographical separation. There are many definitions of globalization. Griddle ( 1997) ‘'the process by which the peoples of the world become connected to each other in all aspects of life, culturally, linguistically, economically, politically and technically''. Moreover a major point in globalization is language which helps connect people together because most people use it in the world. In addition, over a billion people in the world now speak English. According to a report titled, “English Next" by language researcher David Graddol, "...two billion people [will] be speaking or learning English within a decade" Graddol (1997). This essay will discuss how the English language contributes to globalization. It also shows some problems that arise from this. Furthermore, we will give or suggest some solutions for these problems.

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