The Influence Of Technology In Black Mirror: Themes Created By Charlton Brooker

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The series, “Black Mirror”, is a British series created by Charlton Brooker which consists of many episodes completely independent one of another. Each episode has its own story, but the point is always the same – to depict variations in a near future transformed by information technology, just a little darker. He uses dark and satirical themes that analyze modern civilization and results of technology progress but to be just barely ahead of its time. On one hand, it belongs to genre science fiction, but not like science fiction where we find aliens or scenarios like post-apocalypse. It is more like a representation of what the world is going to become in a very short time. In the episode “Playtest” from season 3, the main character Cooper …show more content…

Nowadays, a technology has a large impact on our society, especially on young people. On one hand, innovations in technology could be very helpful and funny, like some virtual reality scenes where Cooper plays a whack-a-mole game. However, playing with someone’s mind can cause much larger consequences than we can ever imagine. Brooker did a great job in a sense of technology used in this episode because it is not something that we have never seen; that are the devices that are here now, just improved a little to give the audience feeling like – it is not here completely, but it is coming soon. In addition, it tends to warn people that too much of anything is too bad and that technology is not the exception. Moreover, soon or later there will be too much of technology what can cause many problems just like Cooper's death. Mostly, the technology is well known because we can imagine ourselves with those AR devices even now and that’s why technology does not draw too much attention. That means that the audience can be more focused on the action of the episode, the virtual horror particularly. Despite all the technology, when Cooper spent time with Sonja, a girl that he met in one bar, it looked like the current world which means that the author made a well-balanced …show more content…

The technology in episode “Playtest” is well-balanced because there are no too much of it but we can feel its presence. Also, it is not something special, just the things that are almost here presented a little bit darker. Despite the fact that there is no too much of technology, these devices have very large impact on characters like on the death of the main character Cooper. Even though this episode is not classic horror, if you read between the lines you will figure out that it is nicely represented and maybe scarier than a classic one. At the end, the author should include some ethical responsibilities to people from SaitoGemu to make the better end of the episode. The consequences of the technology development and lack of ethical responsibility could lead people to troubles like it is presented in this

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