The Importance of Relationships in "A Raisin in the Sun"

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A Raisin in the Sun is drama, a play, and is a book that can change the value or purpose of a dream, the right to fight for what is right. This can also change the way you think about the importance of the people who are close to you. Some people believe that dreams can come true and some people believe. This play shows how a small family sticks together though the hard times of the 1950’s. Even though they have difficulties, they manage to stick together and help each other.

This play is all about dreams. A Raisin in the Sun references to a poem written by Langston Hughes. Dreams that are set aside or lost in time, this is what he wrote about. Langston question on what ever happen to those dreams. Did they shrivel up “like a raisin in the sun?” Everyone has dreams especially in this play...

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