The Importance of Nuclear Energy

774 Words2 Pages

Many people on Earth are using electricity right now. Almost everything in this world needs electricity, such as computers, phones, lights, and factories. Electricity didn’t just appear out of nowhere, it has to come from somewhere. There are many ways to produce electricity, some of them are nuclear, coal, wind, solar, and water energy. Nuclear energy produce electricity through the splitting of uranium atom. Electricity can also be produced through the burning of coal. Wind produce electricity when wind makes the windmills spin. Water produce electricity through the spinning of the turbine in a water dam. Solar energy comes from sunlight, solar panels can turn sunlight into electricity. Out of these five energy sources, nuclear energy would be the most efficient source for producing electricity.

First of all, nuclear energy would not emit dangerous gasses into the atmosphere when it produces electricity. Through the burning of coal, electricity is produced, but carbon dioxide, a dangerous greenhouse gas, is also produced. Unlike coal, nuclear energy would not produce carbon dioxide, it only produce water vapor. In the United States, 2012, nuclear energy prevented 570 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. With nuclear power plants, our environment will get less harms from carbon dioxide. The pollution from the burning of coal causes acid rain, lung cancer, asthma, and etc. If we stop using coal and start to use more nuclear power plants, then not many people will get lung cancer or asthma. As you can see, when nuclear energy produce electricity, it will not produce dangerous gasses that harms the environment.

Moreover, when produce a certain amount of electricity, nuclear energy takes up less space...

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...s, cancer, and even death. Radiation from nuclear energy does cause birth defects, cancer, and death, but it won’t happen unless the nuclear waste leaks out. The nuclear waste is unlikely to expose to people, because there are guards who will protect the waste in where it is stored at. Lastly, there are some bad things about nuclear energy, but it is not much compared to the good things.

In conclusion, nuclear energy is an efficient source to produce electricity. With nuclear energy, over million tons of carbon dioxide are reduced in the U.S. Nuclear energy also help reduce the amount of land use to produce electricity and get more free land for other purposes. According to the low accident rate of nuclear energy, nuclear power plants would be consider as a safe way to produce electricity. Overall, nuclear energy is a beneficial and efficient source for electricity.

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