The Importance of Freedom

577 Words2 Pages

The Importance of Freedom

Many of us take freedom for granted. Many of us tend to forget the

hardships and sacrifices our forefathers of freedom went through. Many

of us fail to cherish and value our granted freedom. Many of us do not

apprehend the full meaning of freedom. However, a few among the

society realize the value of such a bestowment. Our Freedom today

exists as of the actions of those who believed that it was a necessity

to live by and disallowing it is a relic of days more barbarous than


But those mere sentences will never illustrate to us the hardships and

rigorous tasks undertaken to give us our freedom. At a time many of

our forefathers took up arms and faced the forces of oppression for

our freedom. They entered battles in which they were victorious and

prevailed over oppression. They entered battles that went horribly

awry and were defeated. However, their actions are not another blank

page in a book. Their actions have been inked, remembered, and


For instance, the Iraqi insurgency is a cause of American occupation.

The Iraqis are being oppressed. When the “coalition of idiots”

launched their offensive against the sovereign nation of Iraq the

worst was yet to be revealed. Iraqi homes were destroyed, the dead

were left on the street, the injured were barricaded from any help by

flattened homes, and the wind carried the howls of dying men, women

and children. Their lives were utterly destroyed like those of

Pompeii’s deadly wrath. Yet a year after these horrible events the

Americans are refusing to leave. Yet a year after these horrible

events the American Armed Forces are ...

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... symbolic victory for the fighters of

freedom. During the Soviet Era, freedom of speech and religious

freedom was forbidden. Citizens of the Soviet Union were forced to

accept conformity. Putting aside their religious, economical, and

political differences accomplished this. Even though, this achieved

stability citizens were deprived of religion, political activity, and

art. This only angered the citizens and brought about the fall of


By prohibiting the freedom of individuals it causes them to take

extensive measures to obtain it. Even though, conformity brings about

stability it is not so spectacular as instability. Conformity deprives

people of the beauties of life. Conformity creates a non-expensive

civilization. Freedom is a moral right and its exclusion is a relic of

days more barbarous than ours.

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